Saturday, January 14, 2012

Will someone please do this English to Italian translation?

I made two purchases in Italy. These shoes, and a Pablo Escobar muscle shirt. *hangs head in shame*Will someone please do this English to Italian translation?
Ho fatto un paio di acquisti in Italia.Queste scarpe,ed una maglietta di Pablo Escobar. *abbassa la testa per la vergogna*Will someone please do this English to Italian translation?
Ho fatto due acquisti in Italia. Queste scarpe, e una maglietta Pablo Escobar *scuote la testa in segno di vergogna*Will someone please do this English to Italian translation?
Ho fatto due acquisti in Italia. Questi pattini e una camicia del muscolo del Pablo Escobar. testa dei *hangs nello shame*

your welcome
The first person who responded, came the closest.

And the second person who posted, well, it's a really jacked up translated version.

This is what her translation says ~ I have made two purchases in Italy. These ice-skates and a shirt of the muscle of Pablo Escobar. head of the *hangs in the shame*

Looks like the work of an online translator.

That's just... Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

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